Colombia SKN Caribecafe Supremo

Exporter SKN Caribecafe LTDA
Producer Mostly South Tolima
Trademark SKN Caribecafe Supremo
Bero Coffee Class Signature Staple
Location Cartagena
Altitude 900 – 1,250 masl
Variety Caturra, Typica, Bourbon
Commercial Equivalent Name Supremo European Preparation Screen 17/18 Excelso Coffee of Colombia
Harvest Period September – December
Milling Process Washed
Screen size 90% over screen 17
Preparation Class Colombia Standard
Aroma Apple
Flavor Apple Crumble
Sweetness Caramel
Acidity Peach Tart
Roast Even
Total Score 80.75

Although traded in a commercial setting, SKN Caribecafe specially prepared the coffees for Bero Coffee Singapore to keep in mind the industry-accepted SCA standards for green coffee. In short, if we plug and play the commercial quality of the Supremo, it can pass on all 3 stages (Green defect, Roasted Quakers, Cupping Score) as Specialty Grade.

“Excelso Coffee of Colombia” can be a confusing grade or declaration for the coffee. Excelso is “Excellent” in the Spanish language, therefore it translates the “Excellent Coffee of Colombia” – The highest Grade in the commercial world. Another term that is usually confused with is the screen size of the coffee, Supremo being screens 17 and above and Excelso being screen 16 and above.

The screen size of the coffee does not translate into the quality of growth of the coffee cherry, nor the cup profile in any way.

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