Brazil Cerrado
Exporter | NKG Stockler LTDA |
Producer | Multiple |
Trademark | Stockler Cerrado |
Bero Coffee Class | Signature Staple |
Location | Cerrado |
Altitude | 900 – 1,250 masl |
Variety | Mundo Novo, Catuai, and Bourbon |
Commercial Equivalent Name | NY 2 SS FC Sc 17/18 |
Harvest Period | May – September |
Milling Process | Unwashed |
Screen size | 90% over screen 17 |
Preparation Class | Brazil Standard |
Aroma | Cashew |
Flavor | Dark Chocolate |
Sweetness | Caramel |
Acidity | Green Apple |
Roast | Even |
Total Score | 79.5 |
Cerrado is a huge region in Brazil, meaning “savanna”, or central plateau. Coffee grown in this region is cuItivated at an altitude of 900—1250 meters above sea level——quite a bit lower than a Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) Central American Coffees. Because Cerrado is a softer bean, we wouId typically suggest not roasting it dark. However, we think Cerrado is an exception to that ruIe. Roasting it dark brings out the exceptional nutty flavor and enhances the body of the coffee. That being said, it is innportant to be carefuI when roasting this bean to a dark roast level. You need to avoid scorching by making sure that you get good agitation and the temperature increases slowly.
Our Cerrado is a traditionally natural dry processed coffee. This method creates a complexity of flavors. Brazilian coffees make excellent bases for some very intriguing blends, particularly in espresso. A lot of the very best espresso blends have a Brazilian base. Many of the finest Italian espresso blends are mostly Brazilian coffee. It will add body and sweetness to your blend, and helps form a wonderful crema in your espresso. Since it is a dry processed coffee, it may roast a bit unevenly, but this only adds to the complexity in the cup. It actually makes a fine cup on it’s own.
Cerrado seems to break some of the “rules”. It benefits significantly from an extended rest after roasting. Right out of the roaster it may seem a little harsh. If your aren’t satisfied with your Cerrado after the normal 4 to 48 hour rest, try letting it sit in an airtight container
for a week or more! It mellows out, gaining sweetness and the nuttiness is most enjoyable, especially if you can coax a darker roast out of it without scorching.